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Care Not Kill

February 2023 Update

Going forward Southern Alberta ARPA would like to add a second campaign to our fundraising efforts- this one is called “There Were Two.” This is an initiative started by We Need A Law. The goal is to acknowledge BOTH victims in crimes against expectant women, in hopes the courts will punish the offenders for crimes against TWO victims. Right now, criminal sentences in Canada do not consider these factors, meaning pregnant women and their children are denied justice. While abortion politics have prevented Parliament from addressing this concern in the past, we call on MPs to not allow Canada’s lack of abortion law to stand in the way of justice.


A Pre-born Victims of Crime Law would require a judge to take into consideration the vulnerability of the mother and the harm done to her pre-born child as victims of violent crime.


We are asking for your support! We would gratefully appreciate your help with a monetary donation towards these awareness campaigns. We will be advertising CNK as well as There Were Two, as funds allow.

A district of ARPA Canada

Do we care or kill? In March of 2023 the government is expanding their euthanasia law so that doctors can expand who may be offered medical assistance in dying - specifically for those with mental illness.

It may be the old grandfather who always waves when you drive by, but suffers with dementia; your friend’s mother with depression; or the college student who suffers with anxiety, and has suicidal thoughts as the ‘final solution’. These are people that you know, or see. To receive MAiD for mental illness, there is no requirement for a waiting period, counselling, or discussion with the individual's spouse/family.


The government feels this is the most compassionate way to deal with those suffering from mental illness.


But this needs to stop. We need to care, not kill.


ARPA Southern Alberta is taking the initiative to bring awareness to this cause. As a group we are in the process of creating digital and print ads, and have them displayed on billboards in and around Lethbridge. We are also in the process of getting lawn signs designed and built. However, this is very costly.


We would gratefully appreciate your help with a monetary donation towards this awareness campaign. We have set a goal of $20,000.


We will continue advertising, and adding more locations if we exceed this budget. We understand that although this is likely one of many requests for donations you receive, please consider making this one of your causes to support!


Time is of the essence, as we only have until March 2023 to make a difference!


For those who would like more information, or to take more action please visit, or email


Visit our support page to contribute to the cause. Alternatively, to donate, you can send cheques to ARPA SA, PO Box 981, Coaldale AB T1M 1M8, or E-Transfer to Please earmark your donation CareNotKill.

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